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Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 11:40 am
by Red
shoxrox wrote:
BCPanther wrote:Why does everything have to be a conspiracy for WSU fans??

It's tiring...

Why does a perfectly innocent, unprovoking thread about WSU have to be trolled by BJ fans in the first place? For all the flack Coldblooded catches for his remarks, DoubleJayAlum is right up there on the troll chart.

It gets tiring.

I'd say just ban them all.

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 11:54 am
by Haha
I try to ignore the unit swinging. Heck sometimes I do get drawn in but usually if I see a post that is just retarded I simply ignore it.

To address it and give it attention is doing exactly what was desired by OP.

Also people need to become a little thicker skinned. Quit looking to take offense at everything. Who cares what some clown writes? Seriously everybody on this forum is a loser at some level for A) reading it and B)posting on it.

I certainly wouldn't admit to any one whose favorable view I seek that I spend any time on any of these forums much less post. Yet here I am reading, posting, and sometimes getting into measuring with others on here. Embarrassing to say the least.

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 11:58 am
by rjl
DoubleJayAlum wrote:Do you keep track of anniversaries of NCAA violations too?

Sorry. Kevin Ross was in charge of recording those statistics. As such, all we have are some crayon drawings and a potato.

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 1:42 pm
by DoubleJayAlum
Aargh wrote:
DoubleJayAlum wrote:Do you keep track of anniversaries of NCAA violations too?

In the 100+ years that WSU has been playing basketball, here is the entire list of penalties:

1. A HS in CA included a PE class in a student's (Ozell Jones) GPA. They didn't include PE classes in the GPA's of non-athletes. That got us a two-year post-season ban at a time we were #1 or 2 in the nation.
2. A recruit from CA arrived in January without a coat. He borrowed one and was still wearing it when he got back on the plane to return to CA. That was included in the previously mentioned two-year post-season ban.
3. A practice went 20 minutes over the limit. That got 2 weeks of reduced practice time.

Knowing Aargh's propensity to stretch the truth, I googled this over lunch. Needless to say, the NCAA reports, which are readily available on line, outline a much longer list of infractions. When I have some time, I'll summarize them, but the list is literally so long, I don't have enough time at the moment. As a bit of a precursor, let me just say that one would be hard pressed to think of more than perhaps one violation that WSU did NOT commit just in the 1975-1980 period (assistants even gave cash to current players and recruits, paid for air travel back and forth from players homes out of state, promised to pay for flights to and from Wichita for recruits' parents to watch games if their kids enrolled at WSU and so on).

Also, for clarification sake, WSU was put on probation and cited for major NCAA infractions on three separate occasions: 10/21/63, 9/16/74, and 1/11/82. All of the reports, as mentioned above, are available on line in .pdf format, but if you plan on reading them, make sure you have allotted a decent amount of time as they, especially the 1982 report, are pretty long.

Aargh wrote:When the NCAA was headquartered in Kansas City, the majority of their employees were KU graduates - the school 20 miles down the road (with a law school). Any time WSU had a team that could beat KU or WSU got a recruit KU wanted, WSU got a never-ending NCAA investigation.

Please. It is quite clear that after reading the NCAA reports, WSU got investigated because they were clearly cheating.

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 1:52 pm
by BCPanther

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 1:56 pm
by rjl
DoubleJayAlum wrote:I googled this over lunch.

* * *
When I have some time, I'll summarize them . . . I don't have enough time at the moment.

* * *

All of the reports, as mentioned above, are available on line in .pdf format, but if you plan on reading them, make sure you have allotted a decent amount of time as they, especially the 1982 report, are pretty long.

* * *

Please. It is quite clear that after reading the NCAA reports, WSU got investigated because they were clearly cheating.
DoubleJayAlum (emphasis added).

Let me get this straight. In order to satiate your need to continue an internet troll, you spent your entire lunch hour pouring over NCAA infraction records that are over 30 years old. You did this just so you can feel like you have won a fight in an internet forum. And you feel as if this makes you appear superior.

A life well spent. Bravo!

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 2:07 pm
by shocktheheart
BCPanther wrote:

Now if we can just get our basketball and baseball program in the top 10 we will have the trifecta!

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 3:27 pm
by blackandgold
If you aren't cheating your not trying. :D

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 7:25 pm
by iSASO
Wow. I'm disappointed by many of you. Instead of ignoring this informational post that has relevance today, or simply posting something along the lines of "that's interesting", you have to be the hypocritical troll you claim to despise. I thought you were better than that. Congrats, you brought the board back to the condition you vowed to forsake.

I've made a special point of limiting my sarcasm and to only post factual information. I will continue that standard even if a few of you do not.

Re: Notable Notes

PostPosted: January 9th, 2013, 9:58 am
by 3ontheway
Thanks for your forthrightness. I did not find anything notable or interesting with your "notable notes". I can say
with some degree of confidence that hardly anyone else did either.

Perhaps a WSU board would be a more appropriate place to initiate such a thread? More of the readers there may find said factoids "notable". What do you think? Do you think that request is reasonable going forward so as not to set off the "unintended" consequence of thread hijacking?

Whaddya say buddy, can we all get your pledge from now on in the interest of civil board discourse?